Cora-Lee Smith Death, Bradford Downey Obituary – The tragic deaths of Cora-Lee Smith and Bradford Downey on New Year’s Eve have reignited urgent conversations about intimate partner violence in Nova Scotia.
Advocacy groups like Adsum for Women & Children are demanding immediate action to prevent further tragedies. “Those holding power need to act to prevent gender-based violence,” the organization wrote on social media.
The rise in femicides, particularly during the 2024 election campaign, has brought the issue into sharper focus. All three major party leaders labeled intimate partner violence an epidemic, pledging to address the crisis.
Ann de Ste. Croix, a prominent advocate, highlighted the strain on the province’s shelters, which are operating at full capacity. “The need for resources has never been greater,” she said.
The devastating loss of Cora-Lee and Bradford serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for systemic change to protect vulnerable individuals and families.