Terry Walt Death: As we share the tragic news that Terry Walt has passed away, our hearts are heavy as we do so. We are passing on this information to you. As members of the Harrison Moose Lodge, we would like to give our condolences to his family and friends.
At this trying time, it would be of great assistance if you would keep Brenda, his family, his friends, and all of our members in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. I would want to express my gratitude for taking into consideration this request.
During the course of his stay at the lodge, Terry wore a number of different accessories for his head. During the time that he was a member of both the lodge and the Legion, he served in each of the following capacities: for a period of one year, he served as a trustee and chairman of the Legion.
On Wednesdays and every other Saturday night, you could find him in the kitchen working on the fryers. He is there every other Saturday night. On a weekly basis, he was present. It was there that he like to spend his time.
There was a possibility that you might find him in the kitchen on Friday evenings, when he would be cooking the fish. That is where he would be. At the time that the fish fry was set to take place, he would have everything ready and organized in the appropriate manner.
Terry will be much missed by those who reside in the neighbourhood that is immediately adjacent to our resort. He was always available to provide aid with maintenance of any kind whenever we needed it, regardless of the nature of the assistance we needed. If you are interested in attending, the funeral supper for the deceased will be held on Sunday at 1:30 p.m., and you can do so by clicking here.